Martin Heinisch b1976 (FR)  


83 x 44 x 68 cm / 4,03 kg
Recycle Eco Sculpture of 198 pieces


Blue Lobster

90 x 66 x 25 cm / 2,58 kg
Recycle Eco Sculpture of 146 pieces


NYX S5-05

48 x 40 x 23 cm / 1,20 kg

Recycle Eco Wall Sculpture

Ether S5-09 

66 x 23 x 27 cm / 0,50 kg

Recycle Eco Wall Sculpture

Hera S5-07
65 x 31 x 20 cm / 0,90 kg

Recycle Eco Wall Sculpture


Sailor, painter, and sculptor for twenty-five years, Martin Heinisch specializes in creating eco-sculptures from plastic debris collected along the Mediterranean coastline. These plastics, irresponsibly discarded in nature, are cleaned, sorted by color, and then assembled as they are found, without any modification. No glue, cuts, heat, or paint is used. The assembly is done using fishing gear or small screws to minimize the ecological footprint.

Dedicated to ocean conservation, Martin Heinisch uses his art to highlight the critical need for change. His work showcases the limitless range of shapes and colors of plastic waste that the sea returns to us, serving as a powerful message and a plea for resolution.

Born on December 9, 1976, in Crépy-en-Valois, Oise, Martin Heinisch has always been driven by passion. A voracious reader and lover of life, he embarked on a global boat trip during his school years, drawing inspiration from islands, birds, Portuguese boats, and shipwrecks. After completing his literary Baccalaureate, he pursued marine mammal conservation and later trained to be a captain, choosing the sea as his horizon.

A self-taught artist, Martin Heinisch began sculpting masks in wood and plaster, taking photos, filming, and creating large-format paintings. His artistic journey is guided by a deep admiration for painters like Chagall, Matisse, Kandinsky, and Picasso, as well as a fascination with primitive, parietal, and raw art.

Martin Heinisch’s love for colors is evident in his vibrant works, featuring rainbows of yellows, blues, greens, and whites. His art combines human curves with dreamlike figurative elements, symbolizing the body and senses. His work evokes strong emotions, portraying an aquatic life from the fetus to the sea.

In the summer of 2023, after discovering beaches overrun with plastic in Greece and Turkey, Martin Heinisch began creating a series of masks and marine animals entirely from collected plastic fragments, sewn or screwed together without modification. This series provokes a deep awareness in viewers, immersing them in the dizzying volume and infinite variations of colors found in plastic waste.

Martin Heinisch’s striking masks and animal sculptures carry a blend of terrifying and joyful anguish, influenced by native, parietal, African, Voodoo, and Inca art. As an artist rooted in the environmental challenges of our time, he seeks to denounce the ecological disaster through his art. His works not only highlight the beauty of recycled materials but also serve as a poignant commentary on the harm humanity inflicts on the planet.